So today was mother's day and my mom was out of the country. My dad went to his friend's house so I was going to be home alone. When our stage manager found that out she asked me to have mother's day dinner at their house, which was cool, I love Lori and her family is fun. Here's the problem; I like her son and he knows it, but he likes someone else.
This made tonight really weird, it was me Ike and Kelsey and Lori for most of the night, Isaac's brother Jake and his girlfriend were their for dinner but left shortly after. I keep trying to just be friends with Isaac, but obviously, that's hard. At the end of the night it was just us three kids downstairs listening to music and Ike and I were on the floor looking through his iPod (it was hooked up to the sound system under the T.V.) and I accidentally bumped his head with mine, he made a snarky comment and jokingly I asked if I should kiss it better. I really didn't mean anything from it, but I think he was uncomfortable with that.
This is why I never used to tell guys how I felt; they never liked me back and it ALWAYS makes things awkward, even when they promise it wont. Anyways, tonight was mostly good, I just wish things weren't wierd between me and Isaac, he's one of my closer friends.