Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Summer Tree

Never before have I read a book so well writing and so moving that I've actually had to put the book down and stop reading for the night because I literally ached for the loss and guilt the character had gone through. The book I'm talking about is called The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay. It's the first book in his trilogy titled The Fionavar Tapestry. Quite possibly this is my new favorite book and I highly recommend it to fans of high fantasy. I'll try to give you an idea of what the book is like without giving anything away, though the story is so intricate that may be hard to do honestly.

In this story five college students are transported to another world, the first world, Fionavar. In Fionavar magic and monsters still exsist as well as kings and high courts. Fionavar is a place where legends are born and each of our five travelers finds their own destiny there. However, this isn't some fluffy story. The characters will surprise you and move you in this gripping, evocative story. Kay writes this story from a different view for each character and he weaves these threads together beautifully to make The Fionavar Tapestry a true master piece.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hand cramp! I think my muse slapped me in the face today instead of just whispering into my ear. I haven't stopped writing since I got home except to rest my hand (as I am doing now) and my story board for this plot is coming along nicely. I've gotten character ideas, a basic plot outline, and a story board done through chapter 6. However, I'm not quite sure how to do the prologue... My hand is tired!!!
This story is actually not a new idea, but one I've been mulling over since last summer. The story I think is much the same as when these characters first started to come to life, but with a little more meat to it than I had to begin with. I was thinking about them this morning in my creative writing class and when I started to describe them and the story I had in mind for them to my friend, I couldn't stop. She was also excited to see the story come to life, and I think it was having someone actually being enthusiastic about my writing that got me really into it today.
Basically I'm just really excited to be going through with one of my ideas instead of thinking about it, vaguely designing characters and events and then leaving the idea to rot.