So now I know why my mom always tried to get me to pack the night before a trip...I'm sitting here about an hour before I have to be out the door and all my clothes are still in the dryer. I've already got all my bathroom stuff like my toothbrush and stuff packed, all my hair stuff and make-up, my bathing suit, which reminds me that I need to pack a towel...Both of my choir dresses are just waiting to be put in my case, but they have to go on top so they don't wrinkle too much...and I still have to get 20$ out of my bank account for food...and eat breckers...
On less of a rant, I recently discovered Richard Cheese. He's a Novelty Lounge singer. He takes songs like Enter Sandman, What's My Age Again, Down with the Sickness, Rape Me, and a whole slue of others and turns them into lounge music. Its amazing. I love it. I htink my favorite is either the Starwars Cantina, Baby Got Back, orChop Suey. Maybe Somebo

dy Told me. Anyway, he's got a few CD's out; Aperitif For Destruction, Tuxicity, Sunny Side of the Moon, and Lounge Against the Machine are the only ones I can think of right now. If you like Lounge Music, or even just spoof music, I would highly recomend Richard Cheese, he makes me laugh.
first comment EVAR! for the bestest roomie (to be) ever!