There is actually a genere of modeling I'd like to get into, I think it would be fun. Given, its name is a little questionable; it's called Fetish Modeling. But its really more alternative styles than anything dirty; corsets, lace, latex, PVC...I guess stuff that a lot of people would call Gothic fashion or Lolita fashion.
This woman (Screenname Countess Grotesque) is a great example of what I'm talking about.

Here are my problems: I,
1) Don't even know where to begin or who to talk to
2) Have no photographers to turn to
3) Don't have even a third of the wardrobe or makeup SHE has
So, I'm a little SOL with preparation...
I guess I'm looking for some encouragement, or a foot in the door. I mean, I'm willing to give it a try, I just need a little help... Questions, comments, concerns, suggestions?
I think your pretty enough to be a model. If you want to get your foot in the door then research. It hasn't done me wrong yet. :P